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PDF-Bücher Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and Devops: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations, by Jez Humble

PDF-Bücher Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and Devops: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations, by Jez Humble

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Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and Devops: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations, by Jez Humble

Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and Devops: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations, by Jez Humble

Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and Devops: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations, by Jez Humble

PDF-Bücher Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and Devops: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations, by Jez Humble

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Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and Devops: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations, by Jez Humble


"We strongly recommend this book to anyone involved in a digital transformation for solid guidance about what works, what doesn't work, and what doesn't matter."--Tom & Mary Poppendieck, Authors of the Lean Software Development Series"A must read! In a sea of books about technology approaches, Accelerate stands out in its clarity and practicality."--Karen Martin, Author, Clarity First and The Outstanding Organization"Excellent! As well as conclusively showing that DevOps outcomes are faster, cheaper AND safer, this book is an excellent case study for robust survey design and analysis."--Adrian Cockroft"This is the kind of foresight that CEOs, CFOs, and CIOs desperately need if their company is going to survive in this new software-centric world. Anyone that doesn't read this book will be replaced by someone that has."--Thomas A. Limoncelli, Co-Author of The Practice of Cloud System Administration"'Here, do this!' The evidence presented in Accelerate is a triumph of research, tenacity and insight, proving not just correlation but a causal link between good technical and management behaviours and business performance. It also exposes the myth of "maturity models" and offers a realistic, actionable alternative. As an independent consultant working at the intersection of people, technology, process, and organisation design this is manna from heaven! As chapter 3 concludes: 'You can act your way to a better culture through implementing these practices in technology organizations'. There is no mystical culture magic, just 24 concrete, specific capabilities that will lead not only to better business results, but more importantly to happier, healthier, more motivated people and an organisation people want to work at. I will be giving copies of this book to all my clients."--Dan North, Independent Technology and Organization consultant"The 'art' of constructing a building is a well understood engineering practice nowadays. However, in the software world, we have been been looking for patterns and practices that can deliver the same predictable and reliable results whilst minimizing waste and producing the increasingly high performance our businesses demand. Accelerate provides research backed, quantifiable and real world principles to create world class, high performing IT teams enabling amazing business outcomes. Backed by the two leading thought leaders (Kim and Humble) in the DevOps community and world class research from PHD Forsgren, this book is a highly recommended asset!"--Jonathan Fletcher, Group CTO, Hiscox"In their book Accelerate, Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble and Gene Kim don't break any new conceptual ground regarding agile, lean and DevOps. Instead, they provide something that might be even more valuable which is a look inside the methodological rigor of their data collection and analysis approach which lead them to their earlier conclusions on the key capabilities that make IT organizations better contributors to the business. This is a book that I will gladly be placing on my bookshelf next to the other great works by the authors."--Cameron Haight, VP & CTO, Americas, VMware"Accelerate does a fantastic job of explaining not only what changes organizations should make to improve their software delivery performance, but also the why, enabling people at all levels to truly understand how to level up their organizations."--Ryn Daniels, Infrastructure Operations Engineer at Travis CI and author of Effective DevOps"With this work, the authors have made a significant contribution to the understanding and application of DevOps. They show that when properly understood, DevOps is more than just a fad or a new name for an old concept. Their work illustrates how DevOps can improve the state of the art in organizational design, software development culture, and systems architecture. And beyond merely showing, they advance the DevOps community's qualitative findings with research-based insights that I have heard from no other source."--Baron Schwartz, Founder & CEO of VividCortex and Co-Author of High Performance MySQL

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Dr. Nicole Forsgren is CEO and Chief Scientist at DevOps Research and Assessment LLC. She is best known as the lead investigator on the largest DevOps study to date. She has been a professor and performance engineer, and her work has been published in several peer-reviewed journals. Jez Humble is co-author of The DevOps Handbook, Lean Enterprise, and the Jolt Award-winning Continuous Delivery. He is currently researching how to build high performing teams at his startup, DevOps Research and Assessment, LLC, and teaching at UC Berkeley. Gene Kim is a multiple award-winning CTO, researcher, and co-author of The Phoenix Project, The DevOps Handbook, and The Visible Ops Handbook. He is founder of IT Revolution and hosts the DevOps Enterprise Summit conferences.


Taschenbuch: 288 Seiten

Verlag: IT Revolution Press (27. April 2018)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 1942788339

ISBN-13: 978-1942788331

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

15 x 2,2 x 23,1 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

3.7 von 5 Sternen

6 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 995 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

This book is just awesome and a priceless summary of the latest research on DevOps and Software Development.I loved the Phoenix Project and DevOps Handbook already. Although this one is a bit shorter it's still absolutely worth it because it just nails the latest research. In the past months I was wondering how valid and objective some of my observations are and this book just confirmed most of them.A must read for all people who care about DevOps, Software development and just efficiency in their teams, projects and companies!

Interesting research which connect many dots in my work as an agile coach: learning organizations, lean product development, Large Scale Scrum, eXtreme Programming and integrating this under one overarching philosophy of DevOps. It makes me. confident that agile software development matters and does not only consume money but creates real customer value. Of course this is already the promise of the Agile Manifesto, but now there is scientific evidence for this. Thanks Nicole, Jez and Kim for this extraordinary contribution to our community!

The book gives reasons why certain (best practices) are good in the IT Industry. Without explaining much about those best practices, or giving detailed examples. For example (Lean Management) is good. But, what is Lean Management anyway???

This book is awesome because it gives people in the software business data and scientific reasoning to base their decisions on.

Sehr wissenschaftlich. Wenig konkreter Praxisbezug. Insgesamt eher enttäuschend.

Schade eigentlich, das Buch hätte gutes Potential gehabt. Am Ende ist es jedoch eher der Aufschrieb des Ergebnisses von diversen Studien. CI / CD sind wichtig, Automatisierung und Kultur. Viele offensichtliche Punkte werden behandelt z.B., dass in High-Performance Organisationen die Leute oft glücklicher und weniger von Burn Out betroffen sind, als bei Organisationen, in denen die Leute nicht stolz und unglücklich sind... Alles in allem ein Buch, welches sich für Leute lohnt, die ggf. Gründe für "Agilere" Unternehmensformen suchen, nichts jedoch für Leute, die sich weiter "verbessern" möchten oder nicht nur bei der Theorie angekommen sind.

Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and Devops: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations, by Jez Humble PDF
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Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and Devops: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations, by Jez Humble PDF

Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and Devops: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations, by Jez Humble PDF

Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and Devops: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations, by Jez Humble PDF
Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and Devops: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations, by Jez Humble PDF

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